
Tara grew up in a logging town in rural Oregon and while she has lived around the state, she’s never left it. Oregon is her favorite. Currently she lives in Gresham with her large, fabulous family.

Tara loves connecting with children over books. Her student’s call her Ms. Tara in the library of a local elementary school where she works. She loves working in the library because it gives her access to more books than she could ever read. Reading being one of her greatest loves.

When it comes to writing Tara has been doing so since she first learned to hold a pencil. No joke. Her mother has a box somewhere of self-published books and poems from Tara’s earliest years. Now that she’s older she generally focuses on the writing and editing and leaves the publishing to professionals.

When not writing, editing, or working with kids, Tara likes to spend her time with her family. Movies, bowling, soccer, frisbee, hiking, and playing board or card games– they have pretty eclectic taste and on occasion even do a little painting together. Sometimes Tara’s kids convince her to play video games, which they love, but she is terrible at. In her quiet time she is generally drinking tea and journaling or reading.

Tara believes stories have the power to change lives.